Teaching Friendship at School!

The promotion of friendship is undoubtedly a concern and occupation of the school.
Friendship is an important and indispensable value in the education of children. As teachers, the duty is to teach and foster friendship among students in the classroom. In this article, we will show you the importance of this value.

Encouraging and developing friendship is, undoubtedly, a concern and occupation of the school. It is important to reinforce and guide interpersonal relationships, which are abundant in a school.

Friendship at School

A friend is a great treasure. Friendship is a personal, pure, sincere and selfless affection, which is born and strengthened by treatment. A friend is someone with whom we are free to be ourselves.

Friends can help to fill the self-esteem needs, determining the quality of friendly relationships, assessing loyalty and trust; but, above all, it must be said that friendship does not seek "utility," it goes more to give than to receive, nothing improves one being as much as to give the best of itself to another. Everyone wants a friendship to give warmth and affection, being important to share jokes, fun and more.

A good friend is at the same time a good companion and is the one who listens to and respects your opinions, accompanying you in both successes and failures; not trying to direct or criticize your opinions and choices in the different areas of your life and is the best ally in your moments of crisis.

How to Teach Friendship to Children?

- Make games. During the process of the activity teach them to seek conciliation and not fight with their peers.

- Activities in which they share toys.

- Talk and attend to others. You can do an activity called "My day," based on sharing an anecdote from their previous day, and thus share stories with each other.

- Fosters concern and consideration for their peers. From lending a pencil to playing with a friend who is alone.

- Do something useful for the benefit of friends. You can do activities where each child makes a drawing and gives it to another partner.

- Encourage the friend who is sad. If someday a student feels sad or discouraged, encourage classmates to talk and play with him o her. Sing fun songs, so the child will be motivated, happy again and will be part of the activity.

- Show affection to their friends. Organize a "gift exchange" day by communicating with parents and asking each child to make a small gift, either with candy, drawings made by them, or whatever comes to your mind (but it should be the same for everyone). Then have a mini party where each child will receive a gift and have fun with their classmates.

Be kind, be happy!

Teaching and helping to foster friendship in the classroom will make all your students grow on a personal level.


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