Empathy: A Great Value

A skill that allows us to understand not only the words of the other but also their feelings, generating sympathy, understanding, and tenderness.
Empathy is a great value, which allows us to establish solid and positive bonds with others. It helps us recognize and understand the feelings, ideas, behaviors, and attitudes of others and to understand the circumstances that may affect them in specific situations. In this article, we will show you how beautiful and important this value is.


We all have a particular vision of things, and sometimes we can interpret the behavior of others only from our own point of view, without bothering to find out what motivates a person to behave in a certain way. Behind the "bad intentions" of the other, there can simply be ignorance, carelessness or forgetfulness. We are prone to jump to hasty, exaggerated, and non-objective conclusions about the behavior of others.

We should propose to think more about others, be more aware of them and pay more attention to details that seem irrelevant, but that may be important. The more we know about people, the easier it will be to identify their moods and understand the circumstances that cause them, as well as the way they react to different situations.

Why Develop this Skill?

Developing empathy will facilitate the understanding, management, and progress of all types of interpersonal relationships. Empathy is that value through which you can appreciate the emotions and needs of others, giving rise to respect, sensitivity, commitment and affection between people.

Empathy Tips:
- Understand that others act in a certain way.
- Practice active listening. Show interest, pay attention and make it easy for the person to express themselves.
- Be neutral and objective. Do not judge.
- Avoid premature encouragement or advice; wait for others to ask you what they need: do not go ahead.
- If you have to give your opinion, try to be constructive and take care of what you say. Take care of the language.

Empathy is the generous act of leaving oneself to be able to put ourselves in the place of the other.

Be kind, be happy!

Developing empathy means thinking more about others, being more aware of them, and paying more attention to details that at first glance may seem irrelevant, but can be significant.



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